Sunday, July 29, 2007


Cupcake loves her Poppy. Poppy is my mother's husband. After seeing her at a friend's house on a swing & seeing her bawling when she was taken off, he decided to build a little swingset for her. He worked hard in the heat for Cupcake. My parents spend an enormous amount of time with Cupcake.

Marco's family lives in Italy so they do not get to spend the same amount of time with Cupcake but let me share with you a few pics as I did when her uncles were here last month. When they are here, they are all about family time, quality time, and ALL ABOUT CUPCAKE. "Nono" (grandfather) does not miss a waking second with his grandaughter. He loves her to the core. He speaks, reads, and plays with her until she passes out (at 70, you would think he would pass out with the way they play).

He doesn't miss a meal or an activity with Cupcake. When he went shopping (which he rarely spends money) he bought 2 picture frames for me to put pictures for him to hang when he returns to Italy. He marveled in her Maryland State Birth Certificate since he knows this means we can now get her passport so she can come visit him.

They enjoy one another. I enjoy watching them. It brings back the wonderful memories of my grandfather who loved me to death! It has been a long 3 years without him! I am so happy Cupcake has 3 loving grandfathers!


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

It is so hard to have family across the ocean. My mother was born in Sweden (fortunately, my grandparents lived here) and my husband's father was born in Scotland. We miss everybody terribly, but the good thing is we never ever fight because we treasure our time together so much.

Hey when you drop 5 grand to visit someone, it's just not worth it.

JEN said...

My two kiddos have great relationships with their Nanas and Papas too.
It's always amazing for me to watch my dad with Buddah and CQ, he's so patient and focused on only them. I don't even remember him being THAT in love with me. :) although I was his baby!:)
Wow is Cupcake growing! So incredibly cute and happy!
Let her know that CQ Welcomes her into the 2's Club!!!!

Jane and Jim said...

That Cupcake is such a doll! I read your blog daily and always look forward to seeing her grow and attach.
Thanks so much for updating your posts so regularly, I'm truly inspired by your parenting. I can't wait until it's our turn. I've linked your blog to mine to make sure I keep up!

Laura said...

He does love his Cupcake! I've seen how he enjoys her so much.
She is so lucky to have all of you in her life!
I enjoyed spending the day with you all!

Christen L said...

That's so sweet :)

She's a lucky girl to have lots of people to love and who love her! Frank and I always laugh at how many grandparents our kids will have - 6 right now, could go up to 8! Craziness.

Suz said...

Happy belated birthday Cupcake, I'm so happy you're home with Mommy and Daddy to celebrate!!

I love the cupcake birthday balloons!