Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Last time the "anonymous" poster decided to cross boundaries I decided to turn it into a positive. Many posters reminded this LOSER (probably a former home girlfriend) that blogs are often given to children as journals.

NO ONE in the adoption arena would ever say what was included in the comment received yesterday so I have chosen to delete for no other reason than it doesn't belong on my daughter's blog.

On behalf of all FAMILY BLOGS:

Windows created a "X" in the upper right hand corner of the window. If you do not like what has been written it is easier, faster, and appropriate to click the "X" as the comment section is for friends to support one another.


JennStar said...

Rock it sister!

Susan said...

THANK you!!!!!

The Cook said...

I agree. I love the x button.

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Sorry you're dealing with a troll. But you really need to just delete and ignore. I know it can be hurtful and you want to tell this person off, but they are only looking to provoke a reaction. You know the old saying "Don't feed the trolls"...

kate said...

Think maybe you need some extra security. Seriously.

Jane and Jim said...

Seriously - if you don't like what you read, the DON'T!

Ani said...

Why do people feel the need to be nasty? So sorry you had a troll visiting your blog.
All the best to you and your family.

DeanaMarie said...

Amen to that!!!! I've had my share of this kind of crap as well!

Thanks for telling it like it is!

Jeff & Maria said...

So sad that there are people out there like that.

Lauri said...

sorry that you are having Trolls...really why do they bother

Living Life with Sophia said...

Hi Lauren
could you please emal me at
Patricia (Sophias mom)

Living Life with Sophia said...

Hi Lauren
could you please emal me at
Patricia (Sophias mom)