This was priceless! These pics are from last week but as you know I am ALWAYS behind these days!
Now let me tell you a bit about Wednesday. I swore a million times I would never talk about POO. Why talk about POO? I can't stand POO talk. I am not a big fan of diapering and look forward to potty training.
Anyway, after 20 minutes I her Cupcake cooing and googling in her cute little voice. Very strange when she usually passes out. I run up to check on her and notice smears of BROWN on her beautiful pink sheets. I had NO CLUE what I was about to walk into. NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!!! She is a MESS! I grab her up carefully in fear of an overflowing diaper, then I stand her in the tub, and proceed to hand bathe her with wipees. YES a whole pack of wipees as the bath is running. I sit her in a shallow tub as I am anxious to check out her room. OMG OMG OMG- 911 please help! My daughters baby bumper, linens, blankies, and stuff animals have been attacked by POO!!! Tears are streaming down my face, my child is in the tub, and I am stuffing everything in a garbage bag. Quickly I change her linens, wipe down her bed, find a new collection of stuffed animals, and blankies. I run back to the bath as I have been running back and forth every 5 seconds worried about leaving her- I rush back to shampoo Cupcakes' hair, and give her a final soap down. Now she is shiney clean and so is her room.
Let's try again. Now she is comfy clean she goes right to sleep!!! So sorry for talking about POO but I may need therapy!
Thursday was a great day ALMOST! See Cupcake's face below- this is how she was ALL DAY! She decided she was going to refuse a nap and Mommy was to weak to protest after yesterday. We climbed Up and DOWN the stairs a few times, played her piano for a few hours, threw her blocks and stackers all over the room trying to acheive the loudest BANG on the floor possible, we sang head and shoulders a few hundred times (Cupcake's request) and Pattycake followed by Where is Thumpkin a few million times. So my precious little Cupcake is doing great but her Mom is a bit gray, slightly exhausted, and could really use some sunny days so we can get out a bit more and play!

Oh what a nightmare. I have heard of this happening but I have yet to experience it, thankfully. She is such a cutie pie. What a beautiful smile! I know what you mean about being tired though:). It takes some getting use to.
Are you better? Would happily come and sing about Thumbkin, but would leave the laundry to you. ;>
What adorable photos with the Grandmothers!
I think you scarred me too with the mental pictures I have from the POO story!! I also am dreading that as I have NEVER done diapers! Four kids... never under 3y/o and all potty trained!
When J was little I was tired all the time, but I thought it was because I was a resident. It probably was. But when my first foster daughter came, I was exhausted continuously for about 3 months. Hang in there, you adjust and it does get better.
xo Lisa
Cupcake is SO precious!!! It's amazing to think these cutie pies create such big poo messes in their pants & cribs ;o(
I seriously would come on over and help you any time except for the fact that I'm at the opposite side of the country. Any chance you'll move to WA?
Yay for bellybuttons and explosive poopies!
- Ann Marie
Sounds like you've got your hands full with Cupcake! She's a little live-wire, isn't she? What a doll.
I hope you are feeling better soon. I was sick the first 2 weeks we had the kids home, and it was so, SO exhausting! I feel for you, and am hoping for sunnier days ahead.
As for the poo thing, ICK! So sorry you had to deal with that! It makes a good story though. ;)
Eew. I guess you've been fully welcomed into mommyhood now.
Lordy....Thankfully I have never had to deal with the POO saga myself! Worst case was getting some POO on the changing table...YIKES!!! We have over the course of the years, had several Barfing-In-The-Middle-Of-The-Night fiascos however, which are equally as messy.
the picture of her at the bottom of the stairs is the best. what a smile.
She is so stinking cute!!!
Welcome to the world of POO!!!
What a mess. I agree, sounds like 911 was needed.
Okay the belly button, tummy pic is TOO CUTE! However, YUCK ... I am so not a POO person. I would have been balling my way through it all.....
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