Sometimes it is so hard to believe it has been 6 months and sometimes it is hard to believe it has only been six months. We our very close to having the adoption far behind us. Do you know what I mean? No more "adoption" talk. Life has taken its normal course. I am happy to report Cupcake has adjusted and progressed to level with the exception of language/speech. She is making such efforts. Her understandable vocabulary of cat, dog, help, eye, nose, ear, more, ball, bear, baby, mama, dada, and Julie (one of her teachers) followed by A E I O U has been an overnight miracle!
Marco, Cupcake & I are having a blast. The child you wouldn't eat, couldn't swallow, and has little interest in food was quite the ham with her Mac & Cheese last night. We were singing and playing after bath time.
Below you will find our CUPCAKE Collage project for her class. No, it wasn't my idea but it was her first Homework assignment. We cut and pasted cupcake wrappers, Cupcake painted the top part of the cake pink but then we glued our family pics ontop. Only 4 families have handed in the project so when the rest are posted I will update the picture of the bulletin board.
Cucpake is at school. Maroc is leaving for work so I have to go find something to do. Talk to you soon!

How adorable! You are totally blessed with the sweetest angel.
That is one flexible little girl you have there!! hehehe! She gets cuter and cuter everytime I see a new picture of her!! :o)
Wow. You have a little gymnast! I sent Cupcake something. It might take awhile to arrive from Korea though. She sounds like she is coming along great!
Okay that is a serious mac n cheese eater! and ps - a future gymnast.... possibly? adorable...
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