Monday, October 1, 2007

No. 49

Warning: No Pics this Post but coming soon!

Thursday, my mother watched Cupcake so I could work. In the evening they were playing on the trampoline. Cupcake fell in an awkward way so we ended up with our first trip to ER. She clearly doesn't like strangers (this new) so when the nurse did registration, the next one took vital signs, and the next took us to X-Ray...CUpcake hooped and hollared. I tried laughing, throwing her in the air and swinging her inbetween my legs to diffuse her. A combination worked well. She did well and the doctor gave us a clean bill of health with the usual "give her motrin and / or Tylenol for comfort."

Friday we planned a fun filled day at Dutch Wonderland. Maybe if I had a little common sense I would have checked the schedule to see "weekends only" but luckily the great outlets are located across the street so we did a bit of shopping, lunch and a long ride home in traffic. We went with our friends Crystal, Garrett, and baby Alayna. Traveling in style in their Mommy Mobile meant the kids watched Nemo, Robots, and a few other flicks I have never heard. Next weekend we will try again.

Saturday Marco and I decided to have an adult evening since we haven't been able to get out for his Birthday. Warning to all new parents who like to go out and a couple drinks...unless yoru sitter or parents are staying the next day too....TAKE IT EASY! So we partied like rock stars and I could not get it together on Sunday. Thankfully Nana and Poppy wore Cupcake out the night before so she had a nice long long nap with Mommy. When I recovered we did our usual outdoor activities followed by a big long bubble bath and s few nite nite stories.

Today we woke up early for breakfast with Daddy headed to work and school. Since school was closed on Th and Fri last week I am having abit of seperation anxiety. Gosh I miss my little Cupcake!

All about Cupcake...She is her usually happy, humorous self. She is making great efforts to speak all of the time. She signs and speaks. As her speech is more clear she seems to naturally drop the sign. Her new thing: Loves to sit on my make up table and have hair done..SUCH THE DIVA!


Yeah So said...

Sorry about the ER - I can't wait for our first visit - with a little boy its inevitable!! Glad all is well.

Christen L said...

Okay make up and hair - so much fun!!! ER, not so much. I guess if you can throw her up in the air and between your legs while in the ER, it can't be that major. hehe. In all seriousness, glad things are all okay.